Wild mushrooms and spring greens seasons
Download Harvest seasons chart for wilds and greens
Yellowfoot chanterelle Cantharellus xanthopus December - March
Wholesale customers: Pricing on all wild harvested mushrooms and spring greens varies according to availability. We send wholesale customers our pricing updates as changes occur, generally each weekend for the following week. Please e-mail us at mail@forestmushrooms.com or call 320-363-7956 or 888-363-7957 for current prices.
Certified mushroom expert: Forest Mushrooms is a Minnesota Department of Agriculture certified mushroom expert, licensed to sell wild fresh and dried mushrooms to customers in Minnesota. While this certification is required by law, it is not uncommon to find unlicensed dealers active in this market.
Poisonous mushrooms: Eating certain poisonous mushrooms can destroy the liver and lead to death. Others cause stomach flu, cramps, diarrhea, vomiting or nausea. An estimated 250 varieties of poisonous mushrooms grow in the wild. It is important that wild mushrooms be identified as safe to eat by a certified wild mushroom expert.